In the mid-1980s, Donna Haraway – philosopher and cyborg theorist – questioned herself on the theme of technological science and the opportuneness of overcoming the mind-body, male-female, natural-artificial dichotomies, rethinking the relationship between identity and nature in the light of the concept of the cyborg. The path of coexistence and the hierarchical elimination of social and thought categories was based on the observation of a de facto hybrid identity, linked to the already evident achievements of science and the idea of a coexistence of inclusive social and bodily realities, which welcome the fusion of human and machine.
WORK: Bionic mouse in hydrotherapy, 2023, print and watercolor on cotton paper, 29,7 x 42 cm, Ed. 8 + 2 AP
EXHIBITION: Luogo comune, Sutura, Turin, 2023. Press release: Benedetta di Loreto